This website contains exercises for learning LaTeX.
LaTeX Wikibooks is the
standard reference used in this course.
Week 1
- 1. Installing LaTeX
- TeX Live or MacTeX.
- 2. Hello world!
- Typesetting your first document in TeXworks.
- 3. Structure
- Structure of a LaTeX file, document classes, packages, topmatter, groups, commands and environments.
- 4. Basics
- LaTeX fundamentals
- 5. Writing mathematical texts
- Math environment, characters, powers and indices, operators, fractions, roots, dots, matrices, brackets, horizontal whitespace, layout, list of symbols.
- 6. Writing texts
- Special characters and accents, paragraphs, non-breaking space, emphasis, lists, verbatim, url and quoting.
- 7. Errors and warnings
- Error fixing 101.
Week 2
- 8. Writing guide (aimed at writing in Dutch)
- Nederlandse stijlregels voor wiskunde en LaTeX.
- 9. Rewriting poor work
- Exercise in editing
- 10. Advanced mathematics
- Gather, align, matrices, text in mathematical expressions, cases, multiline subscripts, references.
Week 3
- 11. Document class uvamath
- The uvamath document class.
- 12. Advanced document structure
- Writing an article. Chapters, sections, paragraphs, theorems, figures, tables, floats, references, bibliography.
Week 4
- 13. LaTeX Beamer
- Presentations with LaTeX Beamer.
- 14. Bibliography and citations in LaTeX
- Making a bibliography.
- 15. Proper citations in the text
- Proper citations in the text.
- 16. BibTex
- Working with Bibtex.
- 17. TikZ
- Creating images with TikZ.
- 18. Posters
- Creating a poster in LaTeX.
This website is part of the course "Programmeren en Experimenteren" taught at the University of Amsterdam.
- 2023/12/19: Updated by Ellen den Ouden. Rearranged some sections, translated the one bit that was still in Dutch, removed some now redundant things.
- 2021/05/23: Added sections BibTex, TikZ, and Posters, by Ellen den Ouden.
- 2020/09/10: Updated some sections, added sections Bibliography and citations in LaTeX and Proper citations in the text, by Nicos Starreveld.
- 2018/12/19: Removed some sections, fixed some technical issues, by Raymond van Venetie.
- 2018/01/10: Updated by Chris Zaal. Reordering of the sections, new section "Basics".
- 2017/01/11: It was translated to English, edited and updated by Jolien Oomens.
- 2016/01/01: The first version was created by Jeroen Zuiddam.